Critical Design Review


In January we traveled to the CDR (Critical Design Review) at CERN in Geneva!

At the CDR, we got the chance to present our design, calculations, the challenges that we are currently facing and a lot more to experts from the Swiss Space Center and the other teams. After our presentation we gained a lot of invaluable feedback from the experts of the Swiss Space Center.
The CDR also provided a chance to discuss and define interfaces with other groups and learn about the progress that the other teams have made since we last met.

When we were not working, we had a lot of fun exploring Geneva, eating delicious raclette or playing cards with our friends from all over Europe. 

We would like to thank the Swiss Space Center for this one in a lifetime opportunity! Next stop: Readiness Review in Mai!

Check out this great video about the CDR by the Swiss space Center:

AMPEX - The Aachen Modular Planetary Exploration System
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